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Sean and his family


Meet Sean Murphy, Candidate, Kitsap County Commissioner, District 2

  Greetings! I am Sean Murphy, Vice Chair of the Kitsap County Republican Party since Fall 2023. I would like to introduce myself and share the evolution of my calling to run for Kitsap County Commissioner, District 2. I hail from a protracted line of military service, which included my uncle, my grandfather, and my father. I was born in Milan, Italy, while my father was serving there in the Army. He retired in Pennsylvania, and I immediately joined the Navy upon graduation from high school. My training included Nuclear Power School, Submarine School, Missile Tech A School, and, finally, Missile Tech C School here at Subbase Bangor. Upon arrival, I immediately fell in love with Washington State and knew it would be my forever home. I worked in various industries and, ultimately, found my niche as an independent insurance broker and really enjoyed being self employed. During the pandemic, my wife and best friend, Cerina, and I witnessed the indoctrination of our children that was occurring in the schools, so we made the decision to home school our children and our nieces. We were also so incensed by the damage the lockdowns had on our community, that we decided to move to Idaho, but a close friend convinced me to stay and help rebuild.

I, and my family, have always been patriotic, but never directly involved at the community level. So, my wife and I decided to start bringing people together to strengthen the bonds that a strong community should have. We started by creating park cleanup events and, through those community events, we really started to build community relationships and bring people together. At one of the events, Cerina and I met a Republican Party candidate, and, subsequently, we both joined the Kitsap County Republican Party to assist with the events committee. There, I found myself helping with campaigns, events, and signature gathering for various initiatives while collaborating with amazing community volunteers.


Increasingly, the government continues to overstep its power with regard to individual property rights. Over regulation and delays in permitting are creating unnecessary hardships on property owners and businesses. I will work to streamline permitting and remove unnecessary regulations that restrict business growth and infringe on private property owners’ rights.


Port Orchard, here in beautiful Kitsap County, is where I put down roots. It’s the only home my three children know. My mother, my sister, and my nieces also live here. I want to make sure we are building a community that values hard work, individual freedoms, family values, and genuine care for our neighbors. Please assist me to continue serving Kitsap County with your vote on November 5th.


Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself.

Sean with his children celebrating St. Patrick's Day
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